Heart of a Lion


Once upon a time there was a little girl with an amazingly beautiful black eyes, every one in the town used to envy her for those pretty eyes, but she was too little to give it a thought. Her mom was married to a butcher, and it wasn’t only in the shop where he cuts the meat!. The little girl was always afraid that one day, he might cut her and her mum into pieces, waiting the school time every day so that she can get out of the butcher’s house!.

One day, a dark evil soul saw her while she was in her way to school, and that soul decided to disguise as a warm beautiful old woman and went to the girl and said,

Hello beautiful, would you like to play a game ?

Shyly replied, what game ?

Warmly answered, i will show you three cards, you pick one, then i shuffle them, you choose a card again, if it was the card you have chosen first, you win, and i make a wish of yours to come true ..

Any wish!!

Yes beautiful, any wish.

Umm, but, what if i lost!

Nothing darling i will go on my way and you go on yours.

I am in.

Hahaa!, Okay, only one last thing you need to know.

What is it, just show me the cards, i want to play.

Yes you will, but if you won, i will make a wish of yours to come true if you made a wish of mine to come true, too.

But i can’t make your wishes come true!

Don’t worry honey, i will ask for a thing you can afford to do, it’s just the game roles, what do you think?

I will play, i will play.

And yes she played, and yes she won, that’s the point of the game, isn’t it!.

Ohhh darling, you got it right, and now what do you want ??

The little girl was overwhelmed with joy that she couldn’t even think of a wish! but then she remembered her mother’s husband and how brutal he is treating her and her mum, she wished that she could have the courage to stop him, the courage to not run away and hide, and she said,

I want to have a heart of a lion……


You will get what you wish for, only when you give me what i came for.

What do you want ???

Your eyes … Those eyes.

But how i will see!!

You won’t need an eyes when you have a lions heart, won’t you?

WHAT!, but !!

There is no but, the only way to have this heart, is by giving up those eyes.

Okay, take it and give me the lion’s heart.

And so she did, and then they went. few days after the little girl managed to put the brutal husband in the prison for abusing her and her mum, not only that, but also she dumped her mother and blamed her for being weak and shaky!, she is too strong to live with her now!, and then she dumped her school, it’s for kids not her anymore. She really didn’t need those eyes, all she needs, she seeks for, and she cared about nobody and nothing, it’s the lions heart walking. After a while and a serious of events ranges between losing and leaving loved ones and turning to a monster, the lion heart felt so powerful, yet so lonely!. Have i made a wrong decision!, she said, should i give it back, but that woman never told me where to find her!, I will search for her where i met her, but wait, i am blind i won’t see her, what should i do!

After a while she decided to go to her mum, she told her the whole story and begged for help, her mum said,

Don’t worry i will look for her with you just tell me where you met and how she looks, and i will find her. She told her everything. The mother went everyday without getting to anything, but then she realized that she stopped her girl for her eyes, she must have something remarkable to see her maybe!. And so she decided to wear a very big diamond she borrowed and made sure it’s noticeable. And yes, the old woman came saying hello beautiful young lady, would you mind helping an old woman find her way home, it’s you, in her head she said, yes would you mind if i invited you at my home first, it’s not far away!. And when they arrived, she was face to face with the lion heart, or should i say with the untamed beast!!


Give me my eyes you evil, and take back this heart.

Now you don’t want it!, really, isn’t this what you always wanted, and now you’re whining, i didn’t force you to do anything.

You are not her to discuss what i wanted, you’re her to take back the curse you put on me, or i promise, you won’t get out from here, not before eating your flesh.

I am scared to death, can’t you see it?, i am a witch my life don’t even belongs to me, its owned by the dark souls, do you think threatening me will really work?

That’s what i thought, and that’s what i planned for, you gave me that lion heart, the heart that cannot be beaten, not as far as i remember, do you think i would make you come and go like that? are you an amateur witch?

The witch quivered and tried not to show it, and said, what are you going do to ?


To be continued ….